Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bye Jesse....

I'm a little out of sorts this week.

Last Monday, I went to bed with a weird feeling. Part aprehension, part sad. Well, Tuesday I found out why. Jesse, my sisters dog, was put to sleep Mondaynight. She had had her 3rd stroke on saturday, but this time she didn't bounce back, like she had the other two times.

Sis slept on the couch over the weekend, keeping watch, but by Monday morning it was obvious that the time had come for the hardest decision any pet owner has to make. So the family said their goodbye's, one last walk was taken, the last hugs were given. They were all there, and she went to sleep in her own home, on her own bed, with her humans around her. When I found out, I made a page with the rainbow bridge poem for them. But that night, I still couldn't sleep. We only had Whisper for 6 weeks and I still miss her after more than 10 years. I can't imagine sharing your pet for 16, and having to say goodbye. I have this really nice picture of my sister and Jesse, in their favorite walking spot, and I couldn't help wanting to use that somehow to make a memory page for Nicky. I hope she likes it when I give it to her, and since she doesn't know about my blog, I can safely post it here until I can. :-)

I'll be back later to catch you up on how Mike is doing, what's going on and so on, but for now.... I'm going to try and catch a couple of hours of sleep. Somehow, my mind doesn't believe in shutting down, so I'm either wide awake, or having nightmares.... Either way, I hardly ever find it interesting to go to bed, but my eyes are getting heavy, my mind is fuzzy, so maybe now is a good time to give it a shot. LOL.

Until next time..... don't forget to hug a loved-one, furry or human variety!

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