Thursday, July 22, 2010


This month at Deco-Pages they're having a blast. The mega kit for club members is called:
Grandma's Home Cooking. It's stuffed full of kitchen/food related items. Makes me want to get into that kitchen and make some memories come to live!!

Here is a look at the various designers' contributions. And believe me when I say, EVERY one of the monthly club kits are this much fun!

While you're checking out the ClubDeco, download the News Letter, see what's going on, and join the fun!

Forever in my heart - Lightning Bug Creations

I really like this kit! It has a little bit for any kind of pet you cherished. The elements are pretty easy to alter to fit that special thought you want to show.

You can get the kit here

Here are 2 pages I made with this kit. (The mask is not part of the kit)

To see more layouts with this kit, go here.

There's still time......

Join me in the "Point In Time" Heritage Challenge at The Studio.

July Mega Kit from IvyScraps

This is such a fun kit to work with. The vibrant colors make even gloomy pictures look happy. You can buy it at the store for only $3.00 until the end of July.

Check out the Ivy-Blog for a freebie

For inspiration, here are a couple of pages I made with it

For more inspiration, check out the layouts here by other ct's

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Can't believe I'm doing this.....

I am as shocked as any one..... I have a blog!
Never thought I would. A year ago, I'd never even looked at one, and than my husband found a couple of people living in The Netherlands, and started reading them. I found a couple from the scrapbook sites I go to because of blogtrains, and THAN, everything kinda went to heck in a handbasket LOL

I was diagnosed with cancer and haven't been back to work yet. To start using the computer again, I started to host a heritage challenge at when I first could sit up for more than 10 minutes. Than I started to scrap a little again and became a CT for and now I started to publish the monthly newsletter for This will increase my time on the computer, and hopefully help me to overcome the nerve damage done by the well as help me "get my brain back"...... SO, you'll see information on and from those sites go by, as well as family tree related items. I'm not sure, but you may also be included in my way back to life as I knew it 16 months ago. I think that there is no better way to celebrate than to start something I've never done before..... So here you have it. My first blog entry LOL