Everytime I say that, I have to think about the puppy in UP.... Maybe because I have the same attentionspan? LOL
Found this on facebook this morning.......... seemed kinda appropriate ... don't you think?
Nothing shocking has happened in a week, and I'm starting to breath easy......
Haven't done much in way of scrapping, because I'm sorting thru things to make legroom in the house. It's very slow going, and the hardest part seems to be to get to the dump to actually get rid of things. I may ask my brother in law to come up one of these days for a dump run. He has what the family dubbed "the ugly car" which doesn't look huge, but you'd be surprised what fits in it! I personally don't see the ugly part on the car. I rather like it actually. The common name of the thing is Toyota Yaris, the 5 door version..... Our neon is great, but like the Ka, is not really known for the capacity of crap you can haul in it. LOL.
So the boxes, papers, things we don't need/want need to be recycled. We take them to the dump and put them in the designated containers, so they don't fill up the landfill....... you just have to get them there, I s'pose.
On the up side, the computer room is starting to look a little less of a dumping ground, and a little more "just" like a bomb went off, so we're making progress. I spent a good day last week going thru paperwork, deciding what can go, what we need to keep, (and where) as well as how long, and than it came to me..... Keep the current year in a binder, and at the end of the year, scan it, and put it on an external drive. DUH! I already do that with the bank account, power, rent, and internet bills, because they don't send out bills or statements anymore, and they are available online for about 1 year, so I download the statements, and put them in folder by year, in January, I go in, and sort the payments by company, put that in the folder and on to the next year........... I am going to donate back some of the books I got for free at the library not a of them, some I want to read again), break down some of the boxes after I decide what needs repacked and I don't need them anymore, integrate a couple of boxes into one or 2 crates for Christmas and other decorations and see how much space I created. I'm still debating whether I want to keep the packing material for the dishes and breakables, or if I should pitch that (that would take care of a box or 2........) to give me a little legroom under the desk.
I had planned to go to Avifauna coming Sunday, while Mike is at work, but he decided he wanted to go to the zoo in Arnhem with me the weekend after, so that will have to keep. I have been wanting to go to both places for a long time, and finally decided that I was going to go on Mikes day of work, since the discount train tickets we had will expire on June 5th. Avifauna is a bird park, and I seem to be the only one that has any interest in going there in the entire family, so that will be a "Pauli day" ;-) The zoo always seems interesting to most of the family, but Mike told me a while ago that he can only visit so many a year (unlike Nicky and me, who could go every day, and never get tired of it) so I have to pick my battles on which ones to go to together. Burgers' Dierenpark is a 100 year old zoo, but it prides itself (and has done so since I can remember) that it is more than a variety of animals, it is also very much into the understanding of species, and enrichment, so that will be interesting, and than we have a date to go to the Safari Park (not sure if it is with my sisters family or just the 2 of us, but he really wants to go there) and I think that will probably be the limit on zoo's for the year. I will go to Avifauna as soon as I can find another set of discount tickets LOL. (The added bonus is that with my zoocard I can get in free to the bird park, and half price in Arnhem, with a discount for Mike, so on a whole, it's a doable day out..... And a GRRRRREAT opportunity to get a couple more pictures to play with LOL. I'm also hoping to go to the open air museum this year, but a lot of the outings depend on finances, so probably not, but it will keep, I hope.
Like I said, no scrapping pages to show you, but I wanted to at least try and get back in some kind of habit, and figure I start with the blog, work my way to the webdesign course, and eventually back to scrapping on a regular basis, before i get kicked off the team :-)
For now, if I don't talk to you before than, have a great memorial day weekend, maybe visit a cemetery and clean some family markers, be safe if your traveling, and don't forget to hug a loved one...