Monday, February 4, 2013

I TOLD you......

I forgot tons of things! LOL

Boo has a new series of kits out. If you want them all, you'll have a year to collect them :-)

This quote is just perfect. The pictures are the last ones I have of my sisters pup.
I thought the word art fits the early picture, the older picture and the picture of how
the picture came to be. I had found the old picture my sister had sent me and we tried as good
as it would go, to recreate it. The kids are a lot taller, so they didn't quite fit beside the kitchen cabinet anymore, but
on a whole, the picture came out very cool.

Every month, Boo will have a new kit, over at The Studio.(with a challenge attached) At the end of the year, you'll have every month, date, weekday and year to keep you scrapping for years to come, This is great if you make a series of albums, covering several years because they can all have the same base elements, but you can also use the kits to highlight a couple of things per year, in between your regular pictures. However you want to save your memories.... You'll use the kits over and over.

January 2013 kit used for these 2 lay-outs.....

Sweet Caress:
Our old neighbor from Hiawatha just had her babyboy... a month early.
He has a good name. LOL

I'm now officially the Bingo Page Maker for IvyScraps! WHOOHOO. I absolutely LOVE to make these. Too bad that only one person can use them. And a lot of times, I don't even know who won, because the pages usually don't get posted in the gallery. So I sometimes wonder if the person would have rather gotten something else, but in general... I enjoy thinking how somebody might want to use the page, and it helps me make pages other than "mine". I'm glad I get to do it. 
I haven't seen the February mini pixels yet, so I cannot tell you about them yet. As soon as I know.... you'll see them here. However, I CAN show the pages for january..... if I can find them.

You see..... I tried to clean off the computer, so we could figure out why Mike can't play The Sims anymore, and I got a little carried away. (nothing new there, right? LOL) I was on a roll, and missed a couple of times where I dropped things, so if I need something, it may be easy and right where it should be, or it may turn into a full scale man-hunt. 

On the upside.... The sims is installed and playable without any problem. Mike hadn't been able to play the game since sometime last summer and was displaying serious signs of withdrawel. I kept finding pieces of paper scribbled full of room dimensions, roof pitches, garden designs and complete house-plans everywhere! LOL.

Haven't found the pages yet, but wanted to finish this post. I will look a little better/faster/more organized after I'm done with this.... :-)

ANN has a new store over at CU Digitals. It only houses Commercial Use products, and I'm almost sorry I'm not a web-designer, so I can use some of it! I went and looked at the store and found lots of things I had no idea she had made.... That included Tattered Books. The bookworm that I am just had to let her know how much I liked them, and before I knew what was going on, I found the download links in my mailbox. I was floored. As a CT, you already receive so many gifts, and to just get one sent your way with no other thought than for you to enjoy.... is very special. The books also gave shape to an idea I have been fooling around with for a while. I want to build another Family website. Just not sure how to go about that yet because of the massive amount of information I want to put on it, but I played with Anns kits yesterday, and came up with a pretty neat looking first page.....  (no, I didn't break an arm, patting myself on the back. I just really like the way it came out. LOL)

The header and title of the site. If I can find a way to "slide it over" the body, that would be soooooo cool!
the body
Haven't figured out how to do the other pages yet, but given the amount of information that needs to go on them, they will stay pretty simple. Just couldn't help showing you the initial thought.....  At first I thought about using it as blog-wear, but I haven't found a blogging site that will allow me to put my own things up, hence the family website. The blog will get there, with the same title, to hold my thoughts, such as they are, on the research and finds of information, and hopefully people, just not with this lay-out. As far as the website goes..... The last count, if I put the pages in the site I would really like to put in, was 150. If I condensed them by say families and historical, I came out at 68, but the pages would be so awful long that I don't think anybody would ever make it to more than halfway down........ I think I may just have to start, and see what happens.

Ann also has a new kit out. Passionata. I have it, just haven't played with it yet. As soon as I do, you'll find the results, right here :-)

Wel, Mike will be off tomorrow, and I promised I would have a doable to do list ready, so I better get to "sorting chores" into bite size pieces...... One of them will be to have a sit-down breakfast instead of a hit and run bite, to celebrate our 24th aniversary :-)

Have a great day, and don't forget to hug that loved one :-)

PS: I started this Sunday, and forgot to post it...... You rush, and that's when dumb things happen :-), so we just got done with breakfast, and Mike has been playing The Sims since 5AM............... The boy is bound and determined to catch up on his play time I think.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Thought about it......

I seriously considered closing down the blog, but .... I couldn't do it. I decided that the opinion of one person cannot and will not be a reason to stop doing something that keeps me sane. In my heart, I know that whatever the reason for the venomous email, that I have done nothing wrong. How I spend what functional time I have, is nobody's business but mine. I never intentionally ignored anybody, and even though the email hurt me very much.... everybody is entitled to their opinion. So...... I'm back!

I made a list of things I'm going to do this year........ (as I do every other year, I'm sorry to say.) I have however cheated a little this year. I made it in parts. HAVE to's, SHOULD do's and LIKE to's. LOL
I also drug my sister into it. Once a month,  we go over the list, and see where I'm at, and why. There will be no consequences, as such, but it will serve as an extra push to stick to things. I know, I have no willpower when it comes to a lot of things, but the HAVE to's, are very important this year. I'm going to get in shape, lose a couple of pounds (little bits don't freak me out, so I'm going for a pound or so a month), eat healthy/cook from scratch and I'm going to get a handle on how to get noticed in the jobmarket. I want to go back to work, even if it is physically only possible to go part time. I have the list organized in timeframes and "due dates"........... and I'm hoping if not too many things hit the fan at one time, I stand a better than good chance to get all of it done.

The SHOULD do's are a little trickier. They involve cleaning off the computers and organizing the tera-drives, organizing the boxes with genealogical information, setting up a  home network, so we can print from everywhere without dragging the computers closer to the printer so we can hook it up, and going thru the cabinets and left-over boxes, take stock of what we have vs what we need and have room for and deal with things accordingly........ None of it is really lifesaving, but together they will make life a little easier in the finding things category as well as in the clutter department.

The LIKE to's is really a very short list. It consists of a couple of things. Help Mike get his bloodsugar under control and maybe get him off some of the meds he's currently taking, that is, if he'll let me. (Hense it being in the like to category). The thing is, that he does everything the doctors tell him to do, and is beginning to give up, because it's not helping, so I'm hoping that with cooking everything from scratch from the have-to-list, and finding a good mix of good carbs, lower fat and loads of vitamins we can get it to a good level, without him realizing that I'm doing it. Get the peace of mind that I'm healthy (never thought I would have to get used to that idea, and how hard that would be) and go back to school to learn a trade I can actually use here, that does not require a whole lot of fine motor skills.

Sounds like a plan, doesn't it? LOL.

My designers have been busy, and I've been trying to keep up, when not in pain because of a severe toothinfection. It's getting better, I can eat solids again, so I'm less cranky and short fused. Which is a blessing for everybody in the household. LOL

ANN has an awesome kit out. It's called Painted Ladies. No, it's not what you think LOL. Painted Ladies is what the old Victorian houses are called, because of the colors on them. Remember last year when I borrowed one of her pictures to put into her Forest Fantasy page? Those pictures are what the kit is made around. There are so many different things in the kit, that when I first looked at the pages from the other CT's, I had to go back in the folder to check out what I missed. I thought I had REALLY looked at all the parts, but in every page I looked at, there was something I didn't think was part of the kit......... very strange..... but they were all there!  I really liked this page. I would have never thought to do this. That's one of the fun parts of CT work. You get to see different ways of using the same kit.

I'm not sure which CT member made this page, but if/when I find out, I'll update this caption,

I made one page with just what was in the kit, and one with some of the extra's included. 
kit only
kit plus frames, borders, freeby!!! and Word-Art

The kit is available in all 3 stores:


BOO has finished moving house! As I understand it even the internet is on board now and she is working like a madwoman to catch up. LOL.
I also noticed that I haven't posted some of her December releases yet, so I will add them too......

Parfum Jardin.
I know this is a spring kit. It has the feel, for sure, I just couldn't help to upset the apple cart a little, and make it a fall lay out. LOL. The kit has soft colors and bright colors in just the right proportions. I cannot think of any spring picture, that would not perk up with this kit. It works great with garden pictures, but it would be equally at home with Easter celebrations....... or fall pictures :-)
Picture was taken in the fall (DUH! LOL) on sisterday.

Now for the kits I missed......

Winter Wonderland:

White Christmas Dreams:

The tree is ours from last year, but everything else is from the kit.

I think you may be up to date on things, but I'm pretty sure I forgot a bunch, so if you find another post later today, or tomorrow.... blame it on the blonde!

Don't forget to hug a loved one, enjoy the season, family and live in general and stay safe!