Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Today I received an email from the Big Cat Rescue. One of their Bobcats is sick and his daily medical attention is digging into their budget for the other animals.

Please go visit StopBigCatAbuse.com and help this awesome cause, even if its with $1.00

This picture is taken from the Big Cat Rescue website.

Their website is being redone, so tthe link above is temporary. You can also visit them at Twitter or Facebook

Friday, August 13, 2010

Random observation.....

Still having "chemo-brain" I sometimes second guess myself.... 
Yesterday, I went for my 4th cup of coffee, and realized I had to brew a fresh pot. I was wondering if I had forgotten the other 5 trips, because our coffee maker makes at least 8 mugs......?

It all fell into place, once I realized which cup I'd been using!

Sometimes, it's just funny, not having a functional brain.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Club-Deco kit for August

Due to unforeseen events, the newsletter hasn't made it online yet but I wanted to let you know about this months Club-Deco kit at Deco-Pages.  It's called BooBoos and Band-Aids.
I've attached a couple of previews for you. There's still time to sign up for Club Deco to get this kit absolutely free.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Awesome freebie at Deco-pages by Retro Design.

Retro design has this freebie, that's just perfect for all your "not so new" stuff, you still want to scrap!
I'm always late posting the lay-out that go with these, so this last one, I combined with the one before it.

Keep an eye on the "designer freebie" section of the forum. There's REALLY nice stuff to find!!

Here's the page I made with the freebies: Shabby Frame, and Shabby chic room QP. Both by Retro Design.

I LOVE these 3 shabby chic room kits. I don't even need a picture in them, to just fill up the room. A while back, I made one, with nothing but "stuff" in the room. I had some photo's in frames, but nothing else. Never had so much fun making a mess of things! LOL


These are pages made with the new AUGUST MEGA at IVYSCRAPS:

This one is for a photo-swap at Digidesignresort.com
The circles are to have the names of the kids, and the date they went out to dinner. It doesn't feel "done", but without the information, I'm kinda stuck.

This picture was taking many, MANY moons ago in Holland, when I was in Kindergarten. It's not really a "BACK" to school picture, but I like it with the kit. We don't have any kids, and nobody would let me borrow theirs, so........ I had to do something LOL.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Digital Scrapbooking Studio

I'm back.....
The POINT IN TIME - HERITAGE CHALLENGE at "The Studio" for August is up.
The time frame is 1950 - 1955.
What was daily life at that time? What kind of cars, clothing, foods, architecture etc was part of your ancestors existance. What were the concern, hopes, dreams, new ideas.......

Come join me and scrap more than dates and names for your family tree. The add is made with "SOCK HOP DINER" by CJ's Dreams. Check out her blog here

WOW, it's August already!
I guess I'm having fun, because time is sure flying......
Just finished up the news letter for Deco-pages, and all that's left to do, is the actual upload to the site. As soon as that's done, I will post a link here.

One down, 2 to go......
I need to honor my commitment to Ivy-Scraps' CT, and I just remembered, that I haven't submitted a page for my Point in Time Heritage Challenge for JULY! That's really bad, since I'm the one "hosting" it ROFL. I guess that means I had 3 to go, because I don't have an August challenge to post yet, either......

Better get to work and sleep tomorrow :-)  Not bad, actually. I've been up since Sunday 5.30AM, and it's now Monday 6AM. There's something to say for not being able to sleep. You get LOADS done!

I'll be back......