Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fun, fun, fun

not really! LOL

Flue Season has come to our house. Anybody that says it's fun to be sick at the same time, is lying, or crazy....... :-) We were constantly trying to figure out who would get up and take care of things. On the up side..... I slept!

Mike only missed part of one day of work, and I feel like such a wimp to have been off my feet for almost a week.... We hope, since we had it at the same time, we won't be passing it back and forth all winter, like last year, and we're done with it. I'm hoping for a good freeze, so I can open up the house, and kill the germs, but so far.... it's been cold and wet, no ice. This flue is a fast acting one though. I went to Eindhoven on Friday, for sisterday and some Sinterklaas shopping, had a little bit of thick feeling in my head on Saturday, and was floored by Saturday evening! Usually, it takes a couple of days to actually come down with it, but not this one.  Mike didn't feel good Friday, stayed pretty much on the couch the rest of the weekend, went to work on Tuesday and Wednesday, got sent home on Thursday because he looked so bad, (should have stayed home on Tuesday and Wednesday as well, if you ask me) went back on Friday, and has been working ever since. Me? I've spend some quality time in bed, only getting up on Friday, for a whopping 6 hours, before my body told me to get back to bed, but today, I'm doing good. Breathing is a little bit iffy at times, but all in all..... I think I got this puppy under control!

I forgot to post a couple of pages, so I'm going to today.

Booland Designs' One Page Wonder #92

Patty B Scraps' Greatest Generation

There's a couple of updates to report on, but I'll do that when I have them all figured out. LOL!  Not sure if I'm not as smart as I used to be, or just over think things, but I can read and understand instructions and such, and for the life of me not remember the important parts a day later..... I think if I could get organized, and on some kind of a schedule, it might help, so I think I will start work on that. 

Running around chores will be done tomorrow. We can, because the Commissary is open tomorrow, because they'll be closed Thursday and Friday, Mike will be working Black Friday, I'll be putting up the Christmas tree and from than on, I'll quietly will start working on getting organized, and once I'm done with that, I'll get started on a schedule, and have everything in place by January 1st. That way, I'll have a headstart on my New Years Resolution. LOL

I'm saying goodnight for now. Don't forget to hug a loved one?

Friday, November 8, 2013

It happened overnight......

Somehow I went to bed 51 and woke up 52 this week............ Bummer! Because I don't feel older than about 35ish inside, although my body does not agree with that assessment!  Stop laughing :-)

Besides that little set back, a lot happened since we last talked.

We discovered that going to base for groceries on Saturday is NOT a good idea. Most of the shelves were empty, and if you went by the crowd in the store, you'd say it's Christmas eve, and everybody just discovered that the store is closed tomorrow! LOL It was nuts! Luckily we only needed a couple of odds and ends, so we were out of there in notime. Tomorrow, we will go right at 10, since Mike doesn't want to do the shopping after work, pick up what we missed on the Economy, what we don't get, we'll get at Market when we get home, and hopefully we're done around 1..... We plan on being at the dump by 8 when they open, get rid of the paper, plastic, glass and tins that have been congregating in our "bijkeuken", the little ante room next to the kitchen where the toolbox sits, the pantry resides, and the litter-box finds a place, and the recyclables. I think it's a good thing, don't get me wrong, but having to wash the garbage, because it sits in the house......... nah, I can do without that. Luckily, unlike regular garbage, we don't pay to get rid of recyclables, so that's a good incentive, but still.  I always loved the recycling that was done here. We separated batteries, glass,  paper and even medicine was turned in to the pharmacy so it wouldn't end up in the landfill in the 80's. But I  never thought that I would have to keep it in the house, because they did away with local drop off points. Oh well, one more thing to chalk up to.. "That's the Holland I came back to".

I didn't get to scrap long, but I did get some things done..... I had the Point In Time challenge add done on October 20, and posted it yesterday...... DUH!

Come join us in The Studio

I'm still working thru the One Page Wonders, but couldn't help playing with BooLandDesigs latest kit, called: WISH. It is simply magical in the diversity in elements and papers.

I took part of the included word-art poem as part of the title.

The trees included in the kit, just seemed to beg to be put in the picture!
She also has a couple of really awesome gift-idea kits out... 2014 calendars in 5 different forms!






I can see ALL KINDS of fun uses/gifts for these.... I know I will have one printed out, in individual pages, and put in my dayrunner, to separate the months. The family also has a "secret santa" going on for December 8th...... a neighbor who loves to read..... so who knows?

 IVYSCRAPS is having a birthday, with freebies, extra challenges and an all out party mood on the site. Go take a look! I have it on very good authority that there is a whole bragbook to be found........ I saw Download A Day and a Blog-hop also.......... I don't think there was a better time this year to go check out the site.

I joined the avatar and signature challenge: :-)  Haven't started yet, but soon........

Oh, did I tell you that we had another fire in the street last Monday night? Well, we did. Totally opposite the place that saw 2 fires in 24 hours, the place that had the fire on Monday night,  had a big honking spotlight on the house before dark on Tuesday! It is on all night, every night. I sat up till well past witching hour this week, and haven't even seen the people that used to walk their dogs at night.... So maybe the spotlight DOES keep people away.

Mike is off tomorrow, and I think he is planning on staying up tonight, so maybe I can get some sleep before chores tomorrow. BUT, on the upside, if we're done when we hope we're done with the running of errands, we'll have the rest of the weekend to ourselves. (Read, Mike plays the SIMS, Pauli putters around in the computer room. LOL) Sounds like a plan, right?!!

Well, off to make that shoppinglist and start dinner......

Don't forget to hug a loved one!?