Monday, December 23, 2013

Could it possibly be.......

That I'm organized and on schedule?

NAH! Did get caught up with the CT requirements, still working on the IvyLeaves. I have to admit, to my shame, that I have not been able to get to the spreadsheet I share with Jan. It opens, and promptly closes. No matter which computer I use!  I still need to work out the details of the schedule I want to start following January 5th. (No New Years resolution for me, just an adjustment in time management) Also need to finish decorating the house, put the finishing touches on dinner tomorrow, wrap one more gift and I'm good to go on Christmas. Tree has been up for a couple of days, but that is more to get Perky used to it BEFORE the breakable decorations go in it, but I DO want to get that done tomorrow. Bake the pie, get "slaatje" going, eggs boiled for devilled eggs... you get the idea. No cookies this year. Oven is good for big stuff, but not so great on finicky stuff, plus there is no way in Hades that I can find a cookie sheet tiny enough to fit! LOL.

I found possible family of my moms, while shopping :-) I updated the family tree page, but I am so excited about this I had to tell you :-)
We went to find some shoes for Mike "up north" and were really close to the place that prints the new genealogy magazine I found at the station on one of my trips to my sister. Part of the company is a scrapbooking store (JAY!) and another part is a museum with the editors family-tree information, displayed the way I would LOVE to do ours, so of course I had to check it out. While doing that, I saw that one of the ladies in the pictures had the same last name as my great grandmother on my grandma's side, AND that she could double for pictures I have seen of my grandma when she was young..... So I asked, and the gentleman was going to check if he came across her somewhere and let me know. How cool is that?!

Enough drooling for one day :-) and on to the ct things.
Ann is still on sabbatical, so there's nothing new to play with. I miss playing with her beautiful kits, but I know she needs the peace and quiet, so it's all right.
Booland has a couple of kits out, and some coming, but I'm all caught up, so I will show you what I can....
IvyScraps has new Mini Pixels out, just for a couple more days, and than it's time for the January ones to hit the store, and I need to get going on the Point In Time challenge for January over at The Studio.

Season's Greetings by BooLand Designs

I know if I wait a couple more days, I can show you more, but ...... I had time, and figured I bug you for a bit. Mike is happy for the reprieve! LOL.

I'll probably not sign in again until after Christmas, so I will wish you the best of Holiday Cheer.
Don't forget to hug a loved one?


Thursday, December 19, 2013


Let me begin this post with wishing everybody all the happiness and good health they can handle! LOL

I'm just coming off a 10 day Migraine.... I had gotten all cocky, because I have not HAD a Migraine since my second Chemo treatment a little over 4 years ago, and figured, I must be over it..... I was very happy to forget that someone told me that if you DID have Migraines, or any other chronic pain, it would subside during Chemo, but come back like gangbusters after......... They were right!
The bad ones always used to stew for a couple of days, and by drinking milk, and taking a Tylenol PM at dinner, a lot of times, they got bad, but not so bad that I would have preferred a rootcanal without sedation ...... This one hit out of left field to the point that had I had a closet I fit into, I would have happily hid there. The least little bit of light felt like being poked with a sharp stick and even the usually enticing smell of fresh tea made my stomach turn, let alone trying to eat or drink anything.... with the result, that now that the stomach part is taken care of, I'm constantly searching for food! But besides that, I just feel like a truck took a d-tour and backed up over me a couple of times, before resuming the planned trip. LOL

I have to sit down, and check where I fell down on which job, whether it is fixable, and how to get caught up while keeping up with ongoing things in the meantime. I think we will go without a Christmas tree, or decorated house this year. The tree is still well hidden on top of a cabinet I cannot get to, and I have no idea where the decorations went, because they are not where I thought they were....
Mike will be working up to Christmas eve, as far as I'm aware of anyway, so unless I can find what I want for dinner at our corner shop..... we're having Mac and Cheese, with a chaser of left over Sinterklaas candy for desert......  YAAAAY!!

I AM still working on getting organized, but I think I will have to ask for a grace period from scrapping duties so I can get it right. I know me, and I WILL try and cram everything I should have been doing over the last week or so and that, which I should currently be doing, into the days leading up to, and after Christmas to be done before the 1st.... It may not be possible, and probably isn't healthy, but I have to try and get caught up.

While going thru things in order to get caught up, I DID find a page I made with a kit from BooLandDesigns' called Christmas is not just for Diva's......

I just love the colors of the kit! I'm not done with it yet, either, but I wanted to get you started!

There's a couple of other kits still in the works... You'll love them. Some are due out in a couple of days, one I started on got out while I was snoozing, and 1 is due out around the end of the year.
I'm completely behind on the advent daily download over at the Studio, as well as Boo's blog goodies, but I'm hoping to catch a couple still, before it's done for another year..... I love the bloghops, daily downloads and blog give aways, but I never seem to remember to go by and pick things up! And that is WITH daily reminders on every possible device we have in the house..... Must not be "meant to be"

I don't think I posted these yet, but if I have, sorry :-)  These are an incentive to play the Bingo Game over at Ivy's......

I used Waite For The Moment Designs things only to make these.

Well, as you can tell, the brainpower is running on bare minimum, so if we don't talk before Christmas, have an awesome time?



Monday, December 2, 2013

Did you have a good Thanksgiving?

It's just not the same without football LOL

We baked the Pumpkin pie and put the turkey in the crockpot this year. It was very much repeatable. I found the recipe on the SouthernPlate blog........ delicious! I don't think we ever had a turkey this soft. I guess there IS a silver lining to having a micro-mini oven that has a mind of its own! Had we had a normal size, normal acting oven, I might not have tried cooking the turkey in the slowcooker...... :-)

I felt good enough this week to do a little "pre-work" for setting up the tree. I know, I was going to put it up this weekend, but I just couldn't get my head around it, so I will postpone it a couple of days. Mike has to go to work on wednesday, so I may do it than. No harm done if it waits a week either though. Tomorrow we HAVE to do the rest of the Sinterklaas shopping, since we are expected at my sisters house this Sunday. Mike finally found out that he has that sunday off, and he had been putting off shopping, thinking he wouldn't go. (Since he pulled my name in the drawing, I was NOT about to offer to shop for him, so it's all up to Mike for that one! LOL)

I did get a little shopping in over the weekend, and a little scrapping, a little planning, a little cleaning, and more thinking than I wanted to. This flue is giving me the creeps. The last week, I've had nightmare after nightmare about being back on chemo, not able to function, and everybody I come in contact with wanting to do tests and in between I run thru endless white hallways....... I eat every imaginable vitamin we have in the house trying to get rid of this thing, in hopes that the nightmares stop. I hoped keeping busy would help with the cobwebs, but it doesn't..... Anybody have any ideas?

In my urge to get organized, I started moving some of the things from one drive to another, and noticed that in shifting things, the size of files changes. No idea why, or how, just that it does. I also "loose" things from folders, but when I put them side by side, everything is there. This does not make sense to me, and I wonder if it is something in the formatting of the disk. The good thing is, that for most things, I still have the zipfiles, if push comes to shove..... I haven't been able to focus very much, so I haven't gotten very far, but it's a start, no?

I'm not sure if I posted some of these, but I know for a fact some of them are brand new, since I only made them today :-) So, here it goes:


This one I know I already posted, but I love it for so many reasons.......The brothers all served in the US Navy.  The only Kelley "boy" missing is Uncle Keith. He served in the navy during the Korean war. As far as I'm concerned.... He is also part of the Greatest Generation, but the year tags didn't go that far...... I will make another page for him, soon.....


The three ribbed pages are the same paper, once normal, one lightened and one darkened. The top page is the original paper from the kit.

Booland Designs: WISE OLD BIRD

BooLand Designs: LOVELY DAY

That's all for now. Please forgive the whining.... The weather has been very grey, without the fun of winter snow and combining that with not feeling right, has me a little out of sorts. Hopefully, putting up the tree and decorating the house for the holidays will get me out of whichever funk I landed in these last coupe of days.......

Meanwhile, enjoy and hug a loved one :-)