Thursday, September 2, 2010


I SO had every intention to get going, and have everything in place ON September 1st......

You know that road that's paved with good intentions?
I'm in the fast lane on that one! LOL   I'm late on my challenge Point In Time, I'm late on my IvyScraps CT duties, I'm late on the Deco-pages Newsletter and I'm sure I'm completely in the dark on other things that needed doing!

Chemo-brain isn't as far a thing of the past, as I thought it was, so if I lose the notepad that substitutes for my memory..... well, you get the idea. The other thing is that computers have a way with going a different direction than you want them to, or at least the program I use for all of the aboves did. I have to re-install it, and find the disk first, because with the download on the website, if you DON'T have a key, it has "trial copy" all over it RFL. Now mind you, the whole idea of downloading it, was that I can't find the program disk.... I'm wondering if it would be faster to try and get everything done in photo-shop......

YA, it's been THAT kind of week!

Hope to be back soon with an update but in the meantime, don't wait for me to tell you what's going on at my favorite scrap sites.... go take a look:

Don't forget, that The Studio  has a birthday this month!!!

Have to go hunting now, bye!

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