Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's SNOWING!!!!

On a more quiet note (cat just ran hissing out of the room and hubby looked a little peeved) I just made my picks for the Lay Out of the Week at IvyScraps.... Couldn't just stick with one, because there were so many beautiful pages this week. Last week too, but I messed up and forgot to turn them in... so sorry about that.
Go take a look once the voting-list is up!

Deco-pages is officially "no more", and I miss it already, but.... who knows.....

We went to Pella yesterday, and picked up some Dutch goodies for Thanksgiving weekend..... How I miss being able to go to the store, and pick up things, instead of having to plan for it, and hope the weather will allow it..... Oh well, such is life LOL.

I'm going to do my photoshop lesson today, if it kills me, so I don't get kicked out of class. I really like the lessons, it stretches my brain, and knowledge of PhotoShop, but my hands are not always (read rarely ever)  able to do them. Even typing this blog, takes an hour, because my hands will go dead in the middle, and my fingers keep hitting the wrong buttons, or none at all, so ... it's interesting, to say the least. Just got my umphteenth reminder to do the lesson, or get bumped, so I better do something, able or not. It's a free class at Yahoo-Groups, and I understand that if I don't do my lessons, I keep the space occupied for somebody that can do them, I just wish my hands would understand, and work with me! LOL

Time to take a break, and start "school" after that.....

talk soon, just wanted to share the winter weather update.


  1. Hi Pauli, I just wanted to stop bye and say hello! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Please stay in touch with me. By the way, I had a virus on my computer and had to reformat and reinstall windows, I have lost all my email addresses, so please send me an email to so I can get you back in my address book. :)

  2. Hi there, congratulations! you won my newest Christmas kit. please visit my blog to see the details :)
