Thursday, October 27, 2011

just a "shortie"

Thanks for the good thoughts! They are VERY much appreciated.

Mike is home, and doing good.
He's already getting unhappy with not being able to do things, but if he complains too much, I take him on his prescribed walk of "once around the block", and he's ok with doing nothing again, because he realizes he can't. He's got at least 3 more weeks to go, before our first check up with a cardiologist, so I'm going to figure out ways to make him stay put without him realizing I'm keeping him  there.....

I know, you're saying to yourself that I'm mean, but just telling him... let's just say he's not used to being idle without a good reason, and leave it at that LOL.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Get your lemonade here!

Well, just when you think Life has to get better.............. Yeah RIGHT!

Mike had a heartattack friday night! I was so scared for him.
He didn't feel right after dinner, and thought that something he ate didn't agree with him, so he took some pep-cid and tried to lay down... That made it worse, so he got back up. He was fidgety as I don't think I have ever seen him, so I started to do a little research on WebMD for allergic reaction, but kept coming back to angina, or heart related problems. I also, found on the base site, that there was an all-night, after hours urgent care in Heerlen. I thought that was better than going to the ER, IF he ever decided he wanted to go. BUT, what do you know, around 1.30 he started to get dressed, and asked me to call ahead, to see if they would even see him, since he does not have medical insurance in place yet... They said that would be just fine, and we started out. I offered to drive, and he said no, so I kept an eye on him, and we went.

At first, doc thought it was flu related, and that he never got over the one he had a couple of weeks ago, and when he pushed on muscles, the pain increased, and it seemed more to the outside of the body than insside, but with his diabetes, he wanted to do an EKG anyway. He came back. all apologizing, stating that the machine had been acting up earlier in the evening, but that he wanted to go ahead and see what came up. So the EKG was done.
He had been with another patient while the EKG was being done, but afterwards, he came and told Mike that he had called an ambulance, because he wanted to make sure if what the machine showed was correct, and if it was, he was going straight to Maastricht to the CathLab and there would be decided on the next step. So, the ambulance came, and right when the EKG started, they started prepping to leave. They didn't even wait till the whole thing ran its course. So...... he was loaded in the back, I sat upfront and we raced, doing 150 in a 50, to Maastricht, got unloaded, prepped again, and they took him away. We had no time to say anything. In the ambulance I had texted my sister, to let her know what was going on, thinking that she would find the text when she got up, but right after they took Mike and settled me in with a cup of coffee, she called... She had gone to bed about 2 hours before with a very uneasy feeling, and had heard her phone  go off after all. We chatted a little bit about what was going on and had just said goodbye when they came to get me. They wouldn't tell me anything until after I was back in the room with Mike. It turned out that it HAD been a heart attack (when they couldn't say yet) and they had put a stent in, and they had called the ambulance to take us back to Heerlen, where he would be admitted, treated and released when the cardiologist saw fit.  So off we went again. I texted Nicky that we were on our way back to Heerlen, and got almost immediately a text back: "Reprogramming Tommie, meet you there!" And she was. They had just gotten Mike more or less comfortable and hooked up when she poked her nose in the dooor. She had started out right after she called.  Didn't see a doctor this whole time, just very nice, calm nurses. The ambulance personnel was great. They did a very good job of keeping everybody grounded. Mike must have been in positive panic mode. He hates not feeling good, and is even worse when it comes to hospitals, but he took it all very matter of factly. It almost looked like he wasn't aware of what might have, and still may happen.... Odd fellow that husband of mine! :-)

We stayed a while with Mike, but he was tired, and the meds they gave him and the stress were knocking him for a loop, so we left around 7.30. Regular visiting hours are at 11, so Nicky talked me into getting at least an hour sleep. (I had been up since 2.30 Friday morning for a chat, and it was now Saturday....) but.... would you believe it? At 9AM the hospital called where they should send the bills........... There's no way you can say they're not efficient! We ate a little bit, and went back to the hospital, where they let us in almost half an hour before visiting half hour, and left us alone until almost half an hour after the end of it...... He had a little bit more color, and was joking with the nurse when she asked him how he was feeling. He told her, I'm ok, but every time somebody comes by they want to shave me! (They had shaved different parts every time they replaced the electrodes for the EKG's, and REALLY shaved him at the CathLab! LOL)  IT WAS SOOOO GOOG TO SEE THAT!!!! (his attitude, not the shaving)

Nicky and I went home for a little bit, had some lunch, picked up some stuff Mike may want over the next couple of days, and headed back for the 4 O'Clock half hour. I SO planned on coming back for the 7.30 visit, but I was fading very fast. Nicky got me home, made me a bowl of soup with a sandwich, handed me the phone, told me to call and say goodnight to Mike, because she was leaving, and I was going to bed!  (She can be SO pushy! LOL) But I'm getting ahead of myself.

When we got there, Mike was just given a shot of insuline, and already had 2 metformines to get his bloodsugar down. It was very high. On admission it was 25 (don't know what that translates to in american measurement, but the "normal" is between 5 and 10!) and on second blood draw it was 23, so going down, but not fast enough. I was happy that they were attacking that, because in all that I had seen and heard so far, it never really got addressed. First things first, I guess. They were also getting ready to take the drain out of his leg from the cath, so that meant his blood was clotting good again. He did tell me that he would have to be on medicine the rest of his life, but he didn't seem too upset about it. Which is good! His back was killing him, from having to lay flat, so when he said that to the nurse, she asked if he wanted something for it, and to my surprise, he said yes..... So she gave him the paracetamol (equivalent of Tylenol) and came back with vials to take blood. When he said she wasn't getting any, she said it was only fair, because he got meds! I loved seeing him, being him again.

He also said, that he MAY be able to come home Monday, and that the doctor will sit him down for a talk, so I'm going to see today, if I can sit in on that.... Mikes Dutch is really not that great yet, and I've noticed that the doctors' English isn't much better than Mikes Dutch, so just to make sure everybody understands what's going on, I'm going to sit happily in the middle! (If they'll let me, otherwise I will have to insist on a copy of the records so I know what's going on.... Case in point. The dietician came in and was talking about meats and such, and asked him if he had any restrictions.... well, he's not vegetarian, so he said no. She took me aside on my way out, and asked if Mike knew he was diabetic, because he told her he didn't have any restrictions, but he can't have sugar and stuff....  and she was happy she checked his chart any way!

I guess, this is a very long way of saying that I won't be around much, probably, for a while. I may slip in for a quick update, but I'm not planning on doing a whole lot more than taking care of Mike, making sure the chores get done, (so he doesn't think he needs to do them) and getting used to turning our life upside down.....  Keep him in your thoughts?

It is now 9.15 Sunday Morning, just finished my tea, going to get dressed, and go see my hunny!


PS. Forgot to post this one.

Mikes grandfather - for LifeBook.
Made with StarSongStudio - Lullaby

Thursday, October 20, 2011


How's that for my impression of a drill sergent? LOL

But serious.... No matter if you celebrate or not, Christmas is coming, quickly! Our guys (and gals) are still in a hostile country, doing what they believe in, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Take it from someone who has been away from family for a while... It a'int what it's cracked up to be!
Sure, you don't have to figure out how to invite everybody to your birthday on 2 different days, so they wont' end up storming out, or who to invite when so they don't feel like they're being an after thought, but, in the scheme of things, isn't it nice that they're around?

Now figure this: You're FAR away from friends and family, being shot at, stalked, always on your guard, not getting enough sleep, the food you eat, you cannot pick, the people you eat with, you cannot pick and on top of that, it's Christmas, and 90 Degrees in the shade...... Would it not be nice to get mail from someone who cared? (NO offense to those who live on the other half of the world, but Christmas has to be COLD and preferably snowy for me! LOL)

I have a couple of suggestions, including links to sites for you to peruse and I REALLY hope you do!

Jan, over at IvyScraps is trying to get postcards from all over to put together in an album, showing our support for the troops.

This site: "Any Soldier"  lets you adopt a soldier, who otherwise would get little or no mail.

The site: Help a Hero to Write Home sends cards to troops, so they can send them home to their family. How special would it be to have handmade - with love - cards to mail them?

Between all of us, we should be able to accomplish some of this, don't you think?
I was, thankfully, set straight about something and I want to pass that on.  When I worked for Cigna, our department adopted a soldier, and each of us picked a week to write to him. None of us ever heard back. I took it as "he got volunteered for the program, but isn't really interested". Jan told me that, even though you may not hear from them, (because of security, time etc reasons) every card and every letter gets read, sometimes daily, sometimes by more than one soldier. It's a little bit of "home" in a hostile world. Can you imagine if there was a care package attached to such a card, or letter? It should be done all year long, but the Holiday Season is extra hard on the "missing" of home.... So what do you think? Worth a little bit of time? I think so!

Ok, getting off the soapbox, but I'll keep you updated if anything news comes up.... Just think about it?



Well, not a whole lot has happened since we last talked. Been to  a couple of doctors, CityHall and Base, Slept thru the LifeBook Chat, found the school picture I wanted to use LAST week for Lifebook, am behind on my CT duties. Did make the pages for Ivy October Mega, but have a problem posting, Made 2 pages and 3 clusters for the Ivy Birthday Bash coming in November, (so come check it out). finally finished my pages for Ann (StarSongStudio) so..... Check out the pages I've been posting today :-)

StarSongStudio - Enchantment
I really like this page. The first picture my sister sent to me, the second, I was around when she took it. It is REALLY nice to be close again.  Puppy is really getting old. A couple of weeks ago, they were afraid they would have to say goodbye, but she pulled thru!

StarSongStudio - Blessings
Coming out next week at Heritage Scrap

IvyScraps Mega - Monster Mash
No Halloween pictures available you haven't seen yet, so..... fall pictures it is! I love fall, and Iowa was extra-ordinarily pretty during that time of year, so there are plenty of pictures......

StarSongStudio - Olde Tapestry
When we came home to say goodbye to Mom, I scanned a couple of pictures, thinking that would probably be the last time I was in any position to do so, but...... I'll be going back and see if I can talk Dad into loaning me some albums soon :-) These were pictures of their wedding. I have to figure out someday soon who's who..... Some I know, most I don't. I'm using this page for the "Parents" part of my LifeBook. Just haven't got it posted yet. This week is Siblings... No clue how to do that one yet :-)

StarSongStudio - Winter Symphony

StarSongStudio - Raspberry Truffle
This one doesn't really need an explanation, does it? LOL

IvyScraps Mega - Monster Mash
OK, just uploaded my Parents Page, and came to the sad conclusion that I have missed more than just ONE week of LifeBook Postings! Guess what I'll be doing the rest of today? LOL

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Well, whattaya know....

It's been a while, but here I am again.

Had a busy week, and it seems like I did absolutely nothing... Ever had one of those? You're tired as all get out, constantly doing something it seems, and when someone asks "What did you do?"...... you can't figure out why it took you so long, to do so little?

Done a little housecleaning (took out another box, and kept up with the dustbunnies) fiddled with my growing pile of non-functional computers (Did I tell you that the laptop all of a sudden doesn't work either?), did some scrapping (tried to finish my page for "school days" as part of LifeBook, couldn't find the picture, gave up and made pages for other stuff) and the biggy, that had me worried to the point that even my partial functional brain was on overload........ The Doctors Visit....

Blood came back - and I quote the doc here - "absolutely perfect"! SUCH a relief!
Now I have to get used to the idea that I'm as normal as I'm going to get..... I have to tell myself, that I WILL get a cold, the flue, muscle and joint aches and infections, and that NONE of them mean that the cancer is back, while at the same time, keeping track of them, so I know when they seize to be "normal"....... and I can tell you right now, that being a worry wart does NOT help in separating the two!
But, it's another step, and one that I'm glad I'm able to take.

We were getting ready to adopt a kitty..... but let me start at the beginning.
At Mike's work, are a couple of wild cats. They keep the mouse population down, but somehow, the powers that be, think it's not a good idea to have them around.... (no accounting for the reasoning, but, that's the way it is) They had a nice black and white cat with a couple of kittens that hung around the warehouse, and somehow, one of them made it's way into the building about 10 days or so ago. Mom hung around a couple of days but eventually left, and that's when the traps came into play. Let me tell you, when Mike said that they were going to trap the little thing (about 6 weeks old) and bring it to the pound as part of the "base cat cleanup, I was very upset, and didn't have to do a whole lot of reasoning, pleading and begging for him to be talked into adopting the little one, once they got it. Or, at the very least be a foster-home for it, until it was used to humans enough to get a good home....
They set the trap up the first night and somehow the little tike got into the trap, ate and drank its fill, and disappeared before anybody got in in the mornings.... YEAY KITTY! I was hoping that maybe it would get tame enough to be "adopted" by the store, but Mike said there is an order on base that anybody caught feeding the cats (except for when you try to trap them) will be fired...... but I'm getting sidetracked.

The trapping attempt started last weekend, and Mike had been buying kitten-food for the trap so it wouldn't get sick from eating junkfood (they were going to put baloney and grown catfood in the bowl) Everyday, the can ended up outside the trap, without a kitten IN the trap. Until this morning.... Mike just called, and I could hear in his voice he was upset. He said that they caught the kitten, but it was so wild, you couldn't come within 10 feet of the cage, before it went berserk. He said there was no way we could keep it in our house. It was fighting the cage so bad, that it's little nails had blood on them. He covered the cage, and put it in a quiet corner to give it a little bit of rest, but I could tell he had a hard time with it. Between you and me, I don't think the pound is going to give it a whole lot of time, and it just breaks my heart. Mike had such a hopeful tone in his voice when he said that the animal control here seems a little bit more humane towards putting animals down, that I didn't have the heart to tell him what I was thinking....  Why am I telling you this? I really don't know. I need to tell someone I guess, so I can leave Mike alone when he get home. I know it bothers him as much as it does me, and there's no sense in making it worse for him, especially since he saw the little one.

The upside is, that Mike doesn't seem too opposed to adding a furball to the family... and that's a good feeling. Perky has been off lately. He lays with us, but he's upset about something. He doesn't miss the box, because it's closed off, but there's pee up all the walls of it when he gets out, and the vet told me that is a sign of stress. He's not eating right, and he keeps to himself more than he used to... All I can think of is the last week or so we had Boo... He would go off on his own and sleep..... while he used to sleep anywhere he could, as long as he was near one of us...... I'm not ready to loose another pet.......

Didn't mean to depress anybody, sorry about that. Just needed some things off my mind.

Have a good day, and hug a loved one, be it furry or human!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

If you're into genealogy.....

Go visit!
They have a special, where you can visit from october 1 thru 15 and search the "collection of the day" for free. They put a different collection up every day, that you can search, as well as enter into a drawing for a trip to a taping of "Who do you think you are"..... (I wonder if they would cover overseas travel.....)
Don't know what the collections are, but it is worth a look, at the very least! I know I'll be there.

The last Ivy-chat has my genealogy fire burning again. The fact that I actually found most of my genealogy research and have it handy plays a BIG role in that! LOL.

I was looking thru my moms tree yesterday, and I'm seriously considering renaging on my promise NOT to put genealogy on the Imac..... My yellow-box was condemned last week.... I broke down, and took it to a repair center, to have the keyboard checked out, which was free, BUT when I asked them to hook it up to the computer to see if there was a connection fragged.... THAT cost 20 Euro's.... JUST TO PLUG IT IN!!! His exact words were: "We can check the keyboard, there's no charge set for that, but if we have to plug in your computer to the outlet... that's 20 Euros"...... YEAH, I'm going to find a course in basic computer repair!! Until than, I don't have a computer of my own.  They did show me that there are no drives registered... I'm not excluding it, don't get me wrong, but unless I had a major brain-bubble and forgot to hook the drives up..... I'm at a loss as to why they wouldn't show up.

You know, I hear all over, in The States and here, of people that have a computer wiz in the family, or within their circle of friends. I must be traveling in the wrong circles, because where I travel... I'M the wiz! Scary thought, huh!?

Well, I have a date with a basket of laundry and a movie, just thought I'd let you know about the special at Ancestry. If you find something, I did my job :-)


PS: Yesterday was the final step in the Progressive Scrap at Digidesignresort... Here's the result:

Pictures are courtesy of my sister.