Tuesday, September 27, 2011

All caught up

Well, today was kinda productive :-)

I caught up with LifeBook, added 2 pages for Ann's new kit called Winter Symphony. Not sure where it's going on sale yet. Haven't checked, just started playing.

BUT, (and isn't there always one.... LOL)  I haven'g gotten a stitch of progress on the boxes!

Here are the pages I made. The one with my birth announcement I REALLY like, just don't ask who's stuff I used on any of them. It's SO much fun to just pull things that you like together, without having to worry who they're by. 
I know, I'm a bad girl, but there you have it. If you're interested in what I used, shoot me an email, and I'll find out :-)

The postcard I found on Google. I'm going to try and take the same pictures.....

This postcard, I also found on Google. Couldn't believe my eyes that it had our house on it.

This page, I DO know who's stuff I used. It's StarSongStudio's Winter Symphony
Well, it's off to bed for me. Gotta go to class tomorrow morning. Be there at 9, and  at least an hour and a half ttravel followed by a 20 minute walk, so up early, get ready, try not to wake Mike so he can sleep for nightshift, and hopefully make the class and be back in time to fix dinner, so we can eat at 3 and Mike can leave at 5, to get home at 3AM on Thursday...... Thank God for day runners!!


In trouble already

well.... almost
Last week on LifeBook chat, we kinda just talked about who we were going to chronicle and where to find stuff to make the book, so.... my brain, or at least what passes for it, interpreted that as... we post the cover next week. So I sat back, figuring I was done, because I already had that, and even had it posted .....

Yesterday, right before I was going to bed, so I could get up at least half awake at 2.45, I get the email, asking if everybody posted their BIRTH page!

OOPS!? After I panicked, I started. I have the story. I thought I had found my birth announcement, but now that I need it, I can't find it. I'm going to finish the story page, and set up a matching one for the announcement.Nicky sent me a picture of the apartment complex I was born in, so that will go with the announcement...... will really need to go ask dad again if I can take a peek at the photo-albums/slide boxes....

I'm working on the page right now, but while I'm working, I'm having all kinds of ideas on upcoming pages. AND because I can't trust my memory, I write the ideas down as I go, which makes for  V E R Y  slow going on the page I'm building.

Besides that, I'm working on the NewsLetter for Flights of Fancy....AND I'm trying to get the house in shape, so I'm not frantically looking for a place to put them, when people actually show up when I invite them.

Now, if I can only get all this done today. Mike starts 2 nights of nightshift tomorrow, is off on Friday, and we have no clue what he works after that. I have another doctors appointment on the 10th, and a bunch of other stuff I need to do in between, as well as a class tomorrow..... so... what little brain I have left, is thoroughly overworked.

Going to settle my mind, practice tai-chi for half hour, finish the household chores and I'll be back for a little while to finish atleast one page. Than, it will be time to start dinner. Mike is home early today :-)

Don't forget to hug a loved one!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just playing around....

I got an email from Booland Design. She's having a contest on her blog

Here's the rules:
1- Your favorite time of day
2- use BLD kit(s)
3- email the result to her (600x600)
Next week is the drawing for her new kit. 

I bought her store twice, and REALLY love her stuff, so that wasn't a hard one to fall for! LOL

Here's my entry.

I have no idea which kits I used. I just put my search for BLD, and went with what came up. I hope she doesn't want it spelled out........ That's going to take me 3 days to figure out! ROFL

Gotta fix dinner. 

Ok, dinner is over with, and I found a website for a breeder here in Holland that breeds Border Collies, as well as Australian Shepherds. I must have spend 3 hours on the site, looking at pictures, and reading. The downside is that now I have such a hard time with my memories of Whisper. Our Bordercollie/Aussie mix. We rescued her from the pound and we had her for 6 weeks before she passed away because her heart was badly damaged from epilepsie. I think we did ok by her, sometimes wonder if we could have done more, but mostly, I just still miss her. It has been 19 years, come January. We didn't get any pictures of her, because I forgot to put film in my camera, but I remember her as if she's standing next to me. She had a very thin blaze, a full white collar, 4 white feet, and the tip of her tail was white. Her eyes were amber. And every day, without fail, after she had wolfed her food down, she would stand real close to my face and belch!  I always took it as a "thank you for a good meal" LOL.
I found a picture on the site, that sorta, kinda looks like her, so I thought it would be nice to make a page for her. I know it's not her, but the thought is there and at a quick look....
Let's just say that  it's nice to imagine it's her.

This page was hard to make, and a long time coming, and I think I needed to do this.
Some day my little one, we'll meet again, and we'll take those walks again.

Monday, September 19, 2011


on Life in general and LifeBook in particular.

Tomorrow morning at 3AM my time, is the LifeBook chat with VictorionRose and the crew.
If you are interested, come at 9PM ET, click on Chat room, and change your name from Guest#xxx to what you want to be called, and jump right in.
Last week was a "get caught up with everybody" chat, this week it starts in earnest. 
By the beginning.
Title and cover. (Here's mine.)

Made with Star Song Studio's Fleurs du'n Jour. The hinges are from her Old Clock kit.  
The picture you will see again in one of my pages, as it is my favorite one, as well as a great story that goes with it :-)

This go around, it's "all about me" with a catchup from last go around, which was Mikes book. As I wurm information out of him, and find pictures, I will try to fill his book as well as mine. Mind you,  most of my childhood is at my dads, in slides, but atleast I'm close enough, that if he'll let me take them out of the house, I can scan one box at a time and "keep a spot" in the pages for it, if I'm not done with them. I have no clue how to clean up slides, been told that it is a horrible amount of time and effort, for sometimes very little improvement, but..... it's my youth, and my sisters' so it will have to be done..... One slide at a time LOL.

Today, I will also "need" to scrap some pages for Ann, and 2 challenges.... 
So I'm off to have some other kind of fun than posting here, and I'll be back later today with the results, or early in the morning, before the chat......
Bye for now :-)

Friday, September 16, 2011

So I was checking out blogs I haven't been to for a while

and landed on Made with TLC.... I started going backwards and found a card that I liked that was on one of the designers' blog.

As usual when I do these "catch up" things, I got side tracked by what she had on HER blog, and started reading this one post. Her friend, a fellow designer, is very much in pain, everyday, all day, and Wendy started a post to give her the financial help, so she can seek medical help. I can write about it here, but you really need to read for yourself.

Having had the last 2 years that I've had (wow that looks odd ROFL) I can relate, and because I cannot help financially, I would like to put in a good word here.

Please go take a look at the post, and I think you'll find, if nothing else, you will repost to spread the word. Here's the BLOG you need to go check out, if you would please?

Nothing more to say but .....


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are we up?

My last post here Sunday, was really my last entry until today. Right after I posted here, the internet gave up... 
well, not the WHOLE thing, just the part I need to talk to you. LOL

Don't know what happened, just went offline, and couldn't get re-connected.  Called "The Guys" who supply me with it, and they didn't see anything on their end either, all they could tell, is that I wasn't connected..... and their advise was to keep trying!
Which makes me wonder........ 
Just how DO you qualify to be tech-support these days?  :-)

Oh well, all is right again. I tried to connect this morning at 3.30AM for my LifeBook chat, and it went thru, so... who cares why it wasn't working... I DID make sure they had gotten my account credited for payment, so that was NOT the reason it skunked on me! After that was checked, they had no clue, which made me not too broke up that I could't figure out what was going on..... after all, I'm just a dumb consumer, THEY know what they're doing......LOL

Kinda sucks though. I am way late on making my picks for Ivy so I can scrap that, and couldn't even vote for last weeks.... Still have to work on the Flights Newsletter, post 2 lay-outs to Ivy for this months Mega, and there's some other stuff I needed to do, but they elude me... On top of that, I have a doctors appointment today, Thursday and Monday...... 
SO, I'm not going to bed tonight until the Newsletter is done, otherwise it will NOT go out by Thursday. And By the way, do you know how many emails you can stack up in your inbox if you can't check and delete the crap from it?  Believe me... it's a BUNCH! Will have to  go thru those after I get home tonight.

For now,
I'm off to the shower, than I have a date with some household chores, and a train.... after that, it will be "hurry up and wait" until I get back.

Talk to you by end of this week... Internet willing LOL

Sunday, September 11, 2011


The Studio has a designer contest running this month.  Go check it out :-)
There are some amazing creations in that gallery, and who knows.... 
you may find a freebie or 2 (3, 4) LOL

Link to the challenge
As for me, I'm going to be a good girl, do the dishes, pick up the house, make my picks at Ivy...
 and OH DRAT! 
I have to scrap today too! ROFL

Have a great Sunday, and don't forget to hug a loved one!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Well, that didn't take long at all

One week into the challenge and I'm out already. Had I known it went by votes to move on, I probably wouldn't have signed up. I usually don't fare well with those :-)
Oh well, such is life.

I'm still working on the Point in Time Challenge over at the studio. Can't find the darn picture I want to use!
Fiddeling with the Flights of Fancy newsletter. It is due to come out a week from today.
Was thinking of entering the ATC this month, aa well as the color challenge at the studio, BUT I have to honor my commitment to Ivyscraps first, and make the pages with the new mega..... So I'm thinking, I'll be busy.
BUT! Tomorrow is my day with my sister, so nothing much will be getting done! We have nothing planned, per se, and just "hanging out" sounds great!

Monday night (read, Godawful early Tuesday, for me) is the start of the new session of Life Book! I'm looking forward to it. I also found out where to find the birth and deathrecords of my moms little sister. She was born, and died about 15 miles down the road here, when grandma and the kids were staying here during the war, while grandpa was in a work camp. I never have found out where that was, just that the family spent time here so they could be closer to him.
It will be interesting to look at the records, as I have never seen Dutch ones LOL. I may just hop a train one of these days when Mike is at work and see what I can find.

Well, it's getting to be that time again.... Time to atart dinner.
Will talk at ya later :-)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Voting started.....

on the Birthday Bash Lay Out Challenge over at The Studio and the voting ends tomorrow, Sept 6th at midnight EDT. BUT, that's not why I'm writing this.

Ann, from StarSongStudio is participating in the designers part of the the Birthday Bash challenged. 
I stopped by and downloaded the kits the designers have made. I don't think all of them were in yet, so I'll have to go back and double check that..... but there's really nice ones out there. They all coordinate in colors, so if you download all of them, you'll end up with one heck of a versatile kit!  hint hint :-)

Here's the page I made with Ann's part. It came out rather nicely, but I  may be prejudice. Just a little, mind you.....

gotta get some sleep, only had a couple of hours last night.

Talk later.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Favor, Please?

I "stuck my foot in it" so to speak, and signed up for the Lay-Out Artist Challenge at The Studio.  It's a 5 week contest to see if you have any talent in the "putting-pages-together department" and I like a challenge, so.... I signed up, and today I finally got around to reading the rules... I know, I'm bad :-) 

Now, the signing up wasn't the problem, but to stay in the challenge, you have to get votes, and, I should  only vote for others LOL. Than there is another point I have to mention: I'm not supposed to offer any incentive to vote, but I'd be grateful if you did :-)  
On second thought.... I'm not sure if that's an incentive or not?

The kit that was generously donated to participants is by Piggy Scraps. It's called Early Morning Light. When I saw the kit, and before I read the instructions of the first week, I was thinking along the lines of sun ups etc, but than I read the rules, and decided to make this page instead...

Here's my submission for week 1. From what I have observed over the last couple of months, this is pretty much an average day in the life of our fuzzy room mate:  

The "little work" means supervising anybody who dares to touch the computer.

The "waiting on my other human" was my favorite time of the day when I was sick. No matter what time Mike went to work, 15 minutes before he was to be home after his 10 hour s away from home, Perky was laying in front of the front door. Far enough that he wouldn't get run over, but close enough that he wouldn't miss out on "being first" to great Mike.

The "little play" was watching KITTY TV, also known to non-kitties (aka humans) as the view outside the window........

Take a look at the gallery for the contest.
Hope you think I'm "worthy" of your vote, if not... May the best lay-outs go on to the next round!

We were only to make a 12x12 page, so I didn't have room for the dozens of places you can take a VERY comfortable catnap. LOL!

Have some chores to do....
You may have noticed .... 
I'm one of those people that eats desert first, because you may not have room for it later.... 
and I firmly believe that the same holds true for "chores vs fun" LOL

Take care.